Czech Aerospace Society is an unincorporated association in the field of engineering, science, and technology
with individual and corporate members sharing their professional and personal interests in aeronautics and astronautics.
A main aim of the Czech Aerospace Society is dedicated above all to cater professional interests of its members in the field of aeronautics and astronautics and provide a room for improving its members' awareness about a current technology in these fields.
The Czech Aerospace Society is a founding member of the Czech Association of Scientific and Technical Societies (ČSVTS) and plays an active role in a joint work and activities of this Association by contributing to common professional science and technology policy.
The Czech Aerospace Society organizes various professional events focusing on dissemination of new information and knowledge among its members as well as broader professional public.
The Czech Aerospace Society provides a professional and social forum for its members by organizing seminars and conferences intended for both public and/or professionals; it publishes professional and scientific information in the mass media and journals at home and abroad; it expresses its opinion on topical problems in the field of aviation and space technologies; it offers its professional services to state institutions and industry.
The Czech Aerospace Society focuses its activities on assistance to secondary schools and technical universities in gaining young people's interest into studying aeronautics and astronautics related branches. This is achieved through organizing both popular and highly scientifically-oriented lectures on interesting and up-to-date topics. Furthermore, lectures and discussions on history and meetings with World War II veterans are of significant influence. These events serve as an important means of preserving the nation's memory among young people, contributing towards the formation of the feelings of national pride and patriotism. The most significant individuals, who contributed to democracy and freedom in the Czech Republic through their lifelong struggle against the Nazi and communist totalitarian regimes, are honorary members of the Czech Aerospace Society.
The Czech Aerospace Society represents its members as a whole in both national and international societies and networks particularly in aviation and space technology dedicated societies. It allows to express interests of Czech industry and academia on European level and thus it supports to broaden joint activities in areas of research, development, and education. The Czech Aerospace Society is an active member of the Czech national committee of FEANI (European Federation of National Engineering Associations), participating in the activities of this European organization of professional engineers by contributing to the publicity and promoting professional qualification and high competence of the engineering profession in the field of aviation and space technologies. The Czech Aerospace Society fully endorses the FEANI ethical codex of the engineering profession. Furthermore, the Czech Aerospace Society is a Trustee member of CEAS (Council of European Aerospace Societies).